Meet Your 10 Archetypes

Archetypes at Work™ is a new cutting-edge method to assess and develop people and organizations to become fit for the future. This revolutionary tool is being introduced through The Archetypes at Work Guild of Practitioners. Here we offer organizations archetypal leadership development programs. The Guild is also the place where professionals can get trained and licensed and then join a community of practice with others applying this revolutionary new method.

Realms of Leadership

Combined they make a very impressive ‘full set’ of potentials – and if we were to be able to activate them all at their most evolved level, we would almost certainly fulfil our peak human potential. While this may be a path for the enlightened lucky few, the rest of us can still use these Archetypes as both an inspiration to continuous development and a practical guide to help us through the ever changing seas of life.

The Realm of Order

The Sovereign brings Order though Vision and Purpose, setting the direction for a life or organization and being comfortable at the centre of things, whereas the Strategist brings Order through Structure and Mastery, often working ‘back stage’ to analyse the details, plan precisely and then build the road ahead.

The Realm of Relationship

The Nurturer creates Relationship through Care and Empathy, they give whatever it takes to grow and develop others, whereas the Lover values a relationship of equals, appreciating beauty and focusing on what they and others desire.

The Realm of Creativity

The Dreamer accesses Creativity though Imagination and Inspiration and is comfortable with the unknown and the irrational, whereas the Storyteller will synthesise different threads and weave them into a coherent narrative that can be communicated to others.

The Realm of Change

The Renegade enables Change though invention and disruption, becoming a lightning rod for the future to emerge almost intact, whereas the Transformer brings the more slow Shamanic approach of regeneration and mystery, enabling the necessary deaths and rebirths along the way from old to new story.

The Realm of Action

The Warrior moves into Action assertively, challenging others and the status quo, and vigorously defending their own territory, in pursuit of a clear goal, whereas the Explorer is on a quest for adventure and truth, on the outside climbing a mountain because ‘it is there’ and on the inside seeking philosophical gold.